⭐️ 3 Piece Kit – Fronts and Left Hand Sliding Door Included ⭐️ Every time the driver or passenger enters the vehicle there is a possibility that their heels will contact the door sill and scratch or mark the paint. After a short period of time these areas of the vehicle will look distressed and unsightly. It is also a very difficult area to repair. ⭐️ Individually tailored – moulded in high impact resistant recyclable ABS plastic with 2 colour options: • Black • Carbon Look ⭐️ Quick and easy to fit using 3M double sided self-adhesive tape. ⭐️ Designed & manufactured in the U.K. UK Mainland delivery: 7-10 days A quick and simple way of protecting and enhancing the appearance of your car.


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Founded more the 50 years ago, Richard Grant Mouldings (RGM) is a highly specialised Moulding Company operating from a large factory in the U.K, which designs and manufactures a wide range of Automobile Styling Accessories and Car Body Protection products. 

RGM Door Sill Protectors provide protection from stone chips, bugs and road debris and are designed & made here in the U.K. RGM Bonnet Guards are Manufactured from Tough and Hard Wearing ABS Plastic and CNC trimmed to perfectly fit your Car or Van. Usually available in a choice of finishes, sill protectors are sleek and stylish, upgrading the appearance of your Car or Van.

RGM Bonnet Protectors are a simple D.I.Y fit and come complete with detailed fitting instructions and fittings.

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